Fortnite ときめきとやすらぎをつなぐ
Hacks for Fortnite Players: Battle Royale - Secrets of the Island【電子書籍】[ Jason R. Rich ]
<p>Targeted to readers ages of eight and up, this full-colour, unofficial strategy guide will introduce gamers to Fortnite: Battle Royale. This guide will focus heavily on what to expect throughout the island. Important locations on the island (where each battle takes place) are referred to as points of interest. Each point of interest will be showcased within this guide using text and screenshots, allowing gamers to become intimately familiar with the important locations they'll be visiting when experiencing the action-packed battles offered by this game. Regardless of a reader's experience or skill level playing Fortnite: Battle Royale, or which gaming platform they're playing on, readers will discover how the terrain that comprises the island dramatically varies, based on where they are on the map. Fortnite Battle Royale Hacks: Secrets of the Island takes a geography-based approach to helping players become victorious, while also providing essential fighting, building, and exploring strategies that will prove extremely valuable during each battle. Because Fortnite: Battle Royale never offers the same play experience twice (since how the action unfolds depends heavily on the actions of the other 99 human players also on the island), this unofficial guide will teach players to adapt their offensive and defensive fighting strategies as needed to dramatically increase their chance of survival during each and every action-packed battle, regardless of where on the island a battle is taking place.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
- 商品価格:456円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0
Fortnite 関連ツイート
PlayStation 4からブロードキャストを始めました! #PS4live (Fortnite) live at
@Remon9amatou 2018/10/02 20:30
RT @r4xs_: ⚡️フォートナイト
@Hgqk36KVrfHZasM 2018/10/02 20:32
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#フォートナイト販売 #Fortnite #フォートナイト #フォートナ…
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Fortnite おすすめサイト
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- sonyの総合情報
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